Did you know Advance Opportunities can help you with the following services?
- Data entry and filing
- Fold brochures
- Collate packets
- Stuff, seal or label envelopes
- Assemble products/packaging
- Label or tag products
- Sort or disassemble
- and more!
How does it work?
Advance Opportunities serves more than 100 local adults
with disabilities who are able to help with incoming projects. Job coaches assist our employees and verify accuracy of completed work. Services can be performed in our work area or on-site at your location.
Why use our services?
Help us impact lives in Marshall and surrounding
communities by helping adults with disabilities thrive and
learn new skills through training/employment opportunities.
They gain confidence and have pride in what they do!
Contact us for a quote or more information.

We’ve fulfilled jobs for:
- Schwan’s
- HR Tooling & Machine
- Southwest Health &
Human Services - Ralco
- Henle Printing
- Western Printing
- Fey Industries